
Forged in Thread was founded by Andy and Jim Berkenfield, two brothers with an unusual passion for knives. Our obsession traces back to our youth, some of it spent in France with an ever-reliable Opinel folder or Victorinox Swiss Army knife in our pockets. Between Boy Scout adventures and ill-advised butter knife battles in the kitchen, we both grew up loving and appreciating all kinds of sharpened steel.

Not until recently did we realize our addictions had survived into adulthood and that, despite our different day jobs, we have both maintained an appreciation for knife quality and beauty. Being a guy with a desk job, Andy is limited to EDC folders during the week, but is able to sport a less office-friendly fixed blade on the weekends. Jim, a woodworker and outdoorsman has the luxury of carrying and using both large and small knives on a daily basis. 

Since our first Blade Show in June of 2015, when our minds were blown by the breadth and depth of this thing called the knife community, we have been looking for ways to participate beyond just being buyers and collectors. Not being makers, we wanted to fuel our passion by connecting with and serving the community in some way. We’ve met so many wonderful people from all over the world and are amazed at how powerfully their love of knives connects them - despite radically different backgrounds, life experiences and even languages.

Forged in Thread was born to celebrate this connection. It was conceived as a way to tell the world about our love of knives and to help us connect with other knife nuts. However, beyond being just a declaration that we are weirdos who love knives, we wanted the brand to actually benefit the knife community in some way.

So we decided that all profits from the business will be funneled back into the knife community – funding our attendance at shows as well as the purchase of new knives and other knife related paraphernalia. Additionally, we will be donating a portion of the sales of our apparel to programs designed to directly support up-and-coming makers. This is our way of giving back to the community whose talents we admire so much. Thank you for your support!

