Frontier Award


In addition to being the founders of Forged in Thread - the only apparel brand dedicating all profits to supporting the knife community - we are lifelong knife fanatics, collectors and enthusiasts. And one of the great joys of this hobby is discovering new talent as they forge their way into the crazy world of knifemaking. Over the last decade we have come to appreciate the power of even one visit to Blade Show in Atlanta – it can propel a maker to the next level by exposing their work, and themselves, to more collectors and makers in one weekend than they could ever do in a year of social media.

We also know how difficult it can be for new makers, especially those outside the US, to attend the show. Which is why we have created the Frontier Award. The Frontier Award is a cash prize that will be awarded to a chosen maker with the specific intention of providing financial assistance to attend Blade Show in Atlanta.

We will begin raising money at Blade Show 2024 and then continue throughout the year by both selling items from our collection as well as soliciting donations from makers and collectors from around the world. A combination of raffles and auctions will be set up through our social channels to make the items available to our supporters. All the money raised through these events will go toward the Frontier Award pool. The funds will provide financial support for travel expenses to the show, and we are working in partnership with the Blade Show team to secure a dedicated Frontier Award table at the show so the winner(s) can display and sell their work. 

At the beginning of 2025, we will solicit applications and nominations from makers and collectors, with the intention of awarding the prize money to one or more makers in time to help them get to Blade Show in 2025. Going forward, the intention is to find new recipients every year so we can continue to enjoy the work of new makers every year in Atlanta.

It has always been our intention to support the knife community in every way we can and the creation of this award takes that commitment to the next level. We hope you will help us support the future stars of the knife community by participating in the fun. Keep your eyes on our social feeds for more information on the events. Thank you in advance for your support!

 Andy and Jim Berkenfield