

We hear this term a lot and for us the knife community encompasses all humans who have been possessed, for whatever reason, with an unnatural affinity for sharpened steel. Perhaps it stems from a lightly supervised childhood or it’s a genetic connection back to our ancestors’ first tool, whatever the reason we are the ones stricken with this unexplainable love of knives. Many of the community have had the courage and talent to dedicate some or all of their time to making knives. These folks are the bedrock of the knife community – they are driven, often at their own peril, to make knives for the rest of us. Their skill and talent are undeniable. A well-designed, well-made knife is a thing of raw beauty, rivaling sculpture, painting, music, photography in its ability to fill the soul with joy.

Forged in Thread celebrates all members of the community from those makers and crafts-men and women, to the hundreds of thousands who surround them – businesses, material suppliers, sheath makers, equipment manufacturers, distributors, collectors, traders, and cutters-of-things the world over.

We are proud to be among you and hope Forged in Thread will help you declare your connection to this community with attitude, humor and pride.